Block Zombie Conflict - Multiplayer Gun Surviva...
Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Profanity or Crude Humor
Mature/Suggestive Themes
Horror/Fear Themes
The recommended minimum age for this app is 17. It is currently in the queue for a more thorough review. However, we can already report that it will expose your child to a little horror and fear themes, and profanity or crude humor, and a lot of cartoon violence, realistic violence, and mature or suggestive themes
App store description
►► FREE BLOCK SURVIVAL SHOOTER GAME! with WORLDWIDE MULTIPLAYER►► Kill block monsters, zombies, boss robots with your various weapons. Machine Guns, Bazooka, Pistols, Axes and Grenades etc.. ► MISSION MODES + 3 GAME MODES ► MULTIPLAYER COMBAT Craft powerful weapons gathering materials from zombies and located around the map. The materials are ab...
To see Block Zombie Conflict - Multiplayer Gun Surviva... in iTunes, click here
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