Buddyman: Kick 2 (by Kick the Buddy)
Cartoon or Fantasy Violence

Realistic Violence

Profanity or Crude Humor

Horror/Fear Themes

Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References

The recommended minimum age for this app is 12. It is currently in the queue for a more thorough review. However, we can already report that it will expose your child to a little cartoon violence, realistic violence, horror and fear themes, alcohol, tobacco or drugs use or references, and profanity or crude humor.
App store description
THE BEST STRESS RELIEF EVER! Hit Buddyman™ with bats and axes, shoot him with pistols and rifles, explode grenades and even drop a NUCLEAR BOMB! Let off some steam and get rid of any anger! Find all this and more in Buddyman: Kick 2!! It's you who moulds Buddyman's destiny and helps him become the greatest hero of all time! Make his training rea...
To see Buddyman: Kick 2 (by Kick the Buddy) in iTunes, click here
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