`` Mega Slot Jackpot!
Simulated Gambling

The recommended minimum age for this app is 12. It is currently in the queue for a more thorough review. However, we can already report that it will expose your child to a lot of simulated gambling.
App store description
*******`` Mega Slot Jackpot!******** Optimized for iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, and iPad devices. With stunning retina graphics, poker room, daily bonus and more! This is your chance to win the Mega Slot Jackpot! with a payout of up to 1,000,000 coins in the 1st ever "Mega Slot Jackpot!" game! You're about to enter a ...
To see `` Mega Slot Jackpot! in iTunes, click here
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