Plux Uithoorn
Unrestricted Web Access

The recommended minimum age for this app is 17. It is currently in the queue for a more thorough review. However, we can already report that it contains an unrestricted web browser that allows your child to browse anything on the Internet, even if parental controls are enabled.
App store description
Welkom bij de app van Plux Uithoorn! PLUX is het gezelligste sportcentrum van Uithoorn en omstreken. Kom meedoen met één van de vele groepslessen zoals Bodypump, Bodybalance, Bodycombat, Sh'bam, RPM, Yoga, Pilates, Cardioshape, Step & Shape, Indoor Cycling, Crossfit, Ab-shape, Total Body of Zumba. Zelfs Thaiboxing , Judo en Karate staan bij ons ...
To see Plux Uithoorn in iTunes, click here
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