Roband TV
Realistic Violence

Profanity or Crude Humor

Mature/Suggestive Themes

Horror/Fear Themes

Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References

Sexual Content or Nudity

The recommended minimum age for this app is 17. It is currently in the queue for a more thorough review. However, we can already report that it will expose your child to a little realistic violence, alcohol, tobacco or drugs use or references, mature or suggestive themes, and profanity or crude humor, and a lot of horror and fear themes, and sexual and nudity themes
App store description
ROBAND® delivers the latest and greatest media content from Independent content providers and producers: Movies from all genres, New comedy like pranks, situational comedy, Sports, Cooking, Lifestyle, etc. You can enjoy Roband® using our simple-to-use application on your 3G+ or WiFi iPhone or iPod touch. As a subscriber you will also be able to ...
To see Roband TV in iTunes, click here
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